
You find yourself in a career that “just didn’t feel right” to you. It feels SO WRONG that it hurts - maybe not physically but emotionally.

Monday’s are a complete drag and soul suck, but the golden handcuffs are keeping you trapped, and the risk of walking away from that terrifies you.

You know there must be more, but burnout and exhaustion have taken over, leaving you with little to no energy for fun and quality time with yourself and your loved ones.

You know that to fall in love with Monday and every other day of the week - you need guidance, a framework, and support, but right now, you might:

here's the problem...

Did you catch yourself feeling an internal          that's how I feel?


If you're constantly telling yourself that now isn't the right time or I’m not ready enough to make a career change, and keeping you stuck on the proverbial hamster wheel.

You think making a change means giving up your cushy, comfortable lifestyle when in actuality, it is so incredibly uncomfortable a place where you have traded money for happiness.

You are choosing to settle for a career that doesn’t light you up because you have no idea what you could or would want to do.

what if in as little as 90 days you could...

You wake up each day with a renewed sense of energy and excitement, all because you absolutely love what you do. It's like infusing your everyday activities with the desires of your soul, creating a beautiful symphony of joy and purpose.

You have the flexibility and balance you've been desperately craving. You're able to prioritize yourself and your loved ones; finding that perfect equilibrium that brings you peace and happiness in both your personal and professional life.

You have peace of mind that comes from creating the financial freedom you truly deserve. It's empowering to know that your hard work and dedication are paving the way for a financially secure and abundant life.

You're making a meaningful impact in the world through your contributions. You can hold your head up high, knowing that your efforts are making a difference and leaving a beautiful imprint on the world around you.

You're constantly learning, growing, and feeling a deep sense of progress and accomplishment in your career, as you fearlessly step out of your comfort zone to take on new challenges and uncover incredible opportunities for professional development. 

You've stepped into the "GLOW" state. It's that special place where your career resides at the intersection of flow and meaning. You're fully immersed in your work because it aligns career aligns perfectly with your strengths, passions, and values. You're living in your element!

This step-by-step program will give you the courage, clarity, and confidence to pivot confidently to a career that lights you up. A career that energizes you and makes you hop out of bed in the morning. 

This shift you’ve been secretly (or not-so-secretly) craving is on the other side of this robust program.

This is your permission slip to let you know that you are “ready enough” to pivot careers and fall in love with Monday.

There's another way...

the art of seamlessly transitioning to your dream career and thriving





"Through Alexis’ program, I know who I am. I love every day even more. Alexis can help you find that dream, build it, manifest it, and discover who you are. I highly recommend this program for anyone looking to grow and figure out what’s next for you – it has changed my life!”

"this program changed my life."

brandi f. 

In this phase you will lay the foundation; you will learn how to:

First, we’ll shift your mindset so you go from stuck to empowered.

Next, we’ll conquer your fears so you can go from being fearful to courageous.

Then, we’ll go on a journey of self-exploration so you go from frustrated to inspired.

Empowerment Phase

Exploration Phase

In this phase you will design your dream career; you will learn how to:

First, we’ll craft your ideal career so you can go from confusion to clarity.

Next, we’ll establish your personal brand so you can go from unknown to in-demand.

Then, we’ll start building relationships and networks, so you go from disconnected to connected.

Elevate Phase

In this phase, you will learn how to:

Next, we’ll conduct research and testing so that you can go from doubtful to confident.

Next, we’ll get you prepared for interviews so you can go from nervous to poised.

And last, we’ll learn how to negotiate job offers so you can go from settling to maximizing.

WHAT MAKES Soulspark career mastery ™ DIFFERENT?.

SoulSpark Career Mastery ™ is a hybrid in every sense of the word. This program is structured in such a way that it has all the elements needed for transformation - A Coach, Community, Connection and a Course (because you’re not falling through the cracks in this program.)

In addition, you’ll have activities that are done-by-you (integration station), done-with-you (for added support), and done-for-you (because you can’t do it all on your own).

You’ll receive tremendous support that will keep you on track. You will take what you've learned in each module and apply it, and I will assist you through that process. You must take action - that is the secret sauce - TRUST ME! I am 100% committed to getting you where you want to go. Each week, I carefully select three simple but impactful action steps that you can implement immediately, like defining your core values so you can start holding yourself accountable for living them.

And I will be holding you accountable - think personal trainer. You need to show up for yourself if you want to go from good to great, and I will be there every step of the way, supporting you on this journey!

And what makes this program unique is that it merges the best of both worlds – spirituality meets scientific. It connects ancient wisdom, universal laws, and meditation with modern-day cutting-edge personality tools and 21st-century time management, goal setting, and success strategies.

transform now!

In Your Corner Coaching: You get personalized 1:1 support, this feature includes bi-monthly 1:1 calls during our three-month container. You will work with a coach who will address your specific concerns, strategize your career transition, and provide valuable feedback and insights

in your corner coaching

 this is what you will get:

Your Gateway to Career Transformation, gain exclusive access to external community site dedicated to your success. This hub serves as a central platform for sharing experiences, celebrating your wins, asking questions, and getting real time answers to all your questions and concerns. Receive guidance from both the program facilitator and fellow participants.


In this 90-minute 1:1 session, you'll discover your unique energetic way of expressing yourself, and learn how to best harness your energy in the most aligned way. You'll learn how you are designed to interact with other people, your unique way of making good decisions, and you'll get lots of practical actionable tips on how to stay true to yourself.

All readings are recorded for your convenience, so you don't need to take notes during the session. You will receive the recording within 48 hours after the reading. 

90-minute 1:1 Human Design reading + recording for your convenience

60+ page Personalized Human Design Report with detailed information about your chart (valued at $148) 

what's included:

You will be redirected to a purchase page, where you will enter your birth data and book your reading session.

order now!

Total investment: $348

Join a small, supportive group of like-minded professional women who are also navigating a career change and receive bi-monthly interaction sessions – enjoy a balanced mix of teaching, Q&A, Hot Seats, and Industry Experts.



(12) Modules of Video Training - a proven framework that walks you through a step-by-step process, so you can discover what lights you up and live authentically on your terms without feeling like an imposter.

Comprehensive Fillable Workbooks - includes reflection exercises and accountability guides. There are journal pages to remember any ah-hah moments you experience while going through the course.

Downloadable Audios & Transcripts - because you’re probably pretty busy, you may want to listen to your lessons while in transit or working out. To make this as accessible as possible, you’ll get downloadable audios. You may revisit these unique audios anytime, anywhere, as often as you’d like.

Weekly “make it happen” action items designed to catapult your success – you will take what you learn and integrate it, and I will assist you throughout this process. Private Slack folder to upload your “make it happen” items to measure and track your progress and keep you accountable for following through.

my proprierty program: soul spark career mastery course

when you enroll today, you will also get:

An optimized LinkedIn profile is crucial for attracting opportunities and showcasing professionalism in today's job market. This bonus offers the expertise of a professional LinkedIn profile writer to create a compelling online presence tailored to attract recruiters and potential employers. By standing out among peers and presenting a strong personal brand, clients can increase their visibility and open doors to new career prospects.

BONUS #1 - 
Done-For-You LinkedIn Profile Makeover

One-on-one four-hour workshop to hone your interview skills and increase your confidence. During the workshop, you'll receive expert guidance, practice common interview questions, and learn effective strategies to present yourself as the ideal candidate for your desired career. Develop strong interview skills that allow you to stand out, communicate your value, and establish likeability. Gain confidence in articulating your skills, experience, and achievements, and learn effective techniques to handle challenging interview questions, as well as expert guidance on negotiating salaries.

VALUE: $3,000

bonus #2 -interview mastery workshop

In this 90-minute 1:1 session, you'll discover your unique energetic way of expressing yourself, and learn how to best harness your energy in the most aligned way. You'll learn how you are designed to interact with other people, your unique way of making good decisions, and you'll get lots of practical actionable tips on how to stay true to yourself.

All readings are recorded for your convenience, so you don't need to take notes during the session. You will receive the recording within 48 hours after the reading. 

90-minute 1:1 Human Design reading + recording for your convenience

60+ page Personalized Human Design Report with detailed information about your chart (valued at $148) 

what's included:

You will be redirected to a purchase page, where you will enter your birth data and book your reading session.

order now!

Total investment: $348

Leveraging AI technologies to refine and enhance the career journey is a forward-thinking approach. This toolkit offers precision tailoring of resumes and cover letters, effective communication strategies, and personalized growth plans tailored to individual career aspirations. By utilizing AI-powered insights and strategies, clients can optimize their job applications, communication efforts, and career development plans for success in a competitive job market.



his bonus is like a treasure trove of resources that will help you embark on your career change journey. You will have everything you need. Inside the vault, you'll find over 20+ meticulously curated cheat sheets, scripts, handouts, assessments, templates, trackers, guides, and much, much more. Sneak peek: the StrengthFinders Assessment, Resume Mastery Toolkit, Exploratory Conversations Template, Interview Preparation Guide, Salary Scripts nd much, much more!


In this 90-minute 1:1 session, you'll discover your unique energetic way of expressing yourself, and learn how to best harness your energy in the most aligned way. You'll learn how you are designed to interact with other people, your unique way of making good decisions, and you'll get lots of practical actionable tips on how to stay true to yourself.

All readings are recorded for your convenience, so you don't need to take notes during the session. You will receive the recording within 48 hours after the reading. 

90-minute 1:1 Human Design reading + recording for your convenience

60+ page Personalized Human Design Report with detailed information about your chart (valued at $148) 

what's included:

You will be redirected to a purchase page, where you will enter your birth data and book your reading session.

order now!

Total investment: $348


pay in full

one easy payment

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payment plan

three payments of

(save $450)

This program contains everything you need to pivot careers with clarity, confidence, and courage without allowing outside factors to determine your path. With over SIX MONTHS of coaching support, you never have to work through anything alone.

This program is how you can internally shift from “there must be more” to genuinely feeling like your best self, accomplishing your goals, and having every piece fall into place because you’re operating from a place of authenticity.

Everything I’ve learned from being a corporate leader to a successful entrepreneur. Not to mention the countless workshops and certifications I have received, it has all been put in this program to help you save time, energy, and money by giving you the actionable and proven steps to help you see results.

I’ve invested nearly $100,000, so you don’t have to. This hybrid program is packed with $50,000 of value! You can get started for just $2,000 today!

is it worth it?.

"Through the coaching, I was able to understand myself on a deeper level"

You aren't emotionally or financially ready to commit to making changes at this time.

You're looking for overnight success. Transformation takes time.

Expect transformation with no effort.

Have an issue with accountability.

You're seeking therapy for a mental health issue. My expertise is in life coaching. I'm not a qualified mental health professional.

This isn't for you if

You feel misaligned and unfulfilled in your career, but are afraid to walk away.

You're stuck, and and lost the spark to what lights you, but you are paralyzed by the thought of having to start over.  

Want to recover from burnout and shift directions on your terms.

You are confused on what next looks like and need clarity.

You're ready to go all in and have a career defining moment.

This is for you if

Are we a good fit?

I built such a strong foundation during the program. I was able to understand myself on a deeper level (my passions, strengths, values and so much more) and I was able to remove the limiting beliefs keeping me stuck from not pursuing my dreams. So, when I was laid off in 2020, I was able to easily bounce back and ultimately saw it as a blessing. I quickly secured a high-level role with Fortune 500 company that aligned with my values and received a substantial pay raise close to 40% more than my previous role. I now know that I am in the driver’s seat of my life and control my destiny and I am deserving a beautiful life filled with an endless amount of opportunities. 

"i walked away with a stronger and deeper connection to who i truly am."

diana b. 

My mission is to help professional women break free from soul-sucking careers and discover fulfilling encore careers that ignite their souls.

I am deeply committed to helping you achieve the bold promise of finding a career that lights you up, energizes you, and makes you hop out of bed in the morning while generating your desired revenue.

the women behind soulspark career mastery™

meet the creator

The pivotal moment was when my ex-boss asked "what keeps you up at night"? I responded, "not living up to my potential.” After some soul searching and a dark night of the soul, I realized it wasn't potential but rather a lack of authenticity and being out of alignment. The longer I stayed the further I got from my core belief system. Although I was paid well for my work, it got to a point where the money and the work were so far below my bar of resentment and so out of alignment with who I am, that it became emotionally painful to be there. The longer I continued with this work the further out of alignment I got and the more painful it was. And let me tell you, there comes a point where no amount of money can compensate you for the pain of not living true to yourself.

I never want another woman to experience the pain of being out of alignment with the core of who she is, and I want you to have the courage and clarity to discover a career that lights you up and makes you feel fulfilled and excited. I'm here to tell you; it’s never too late. The time has come to step into Your Next Level Self!

I was working in corporate America in a cushy 6-figure salary retail position. But, I was overworked, unhappy, overweight, irritable, and exhausted. 

the faq's

Yes, we have a 3-month payment plan to fit into your budget.

is there a
payment plan?
I’ve designed each week to require about two to three hours of focused, intentional time to watch the videos, complete the workbooks and implement the learning through activities, attend our calls and follow along with the meditations.
how much time should I spend each week IN THE PROGRAM?
You will have access for the lifetime of the course, for as long as I continue to run Your Next Level Self and guaranteed access for AT LEAST one year after you enroll.
how long do i have access for?
This entirely depends on you. There are ten modules of content as a best practice, you should expect to spend one week per module, but you are in the driver's seat and can go at your own pace. You receive (8) bi-weekly 1-to-1 coaching calls along with monthly calls. In month four your focus will be on the done-for-you services provided, but these can be used earlier if you are ready. You can be done in as little as 12 weeks or as long as you need. You decide :) But just remember you don't want to delay action.
how long will it take to complete the program?
I can guarantee that if you invest in yourself and in this process you will come out of it better off than you came into it. I cannot, however, guarantee and specific results. As with anything in life, your success is largely dependent on the focus and energy you put in, and in the way your move forward after our time together is complete. Work the program, and the program will work for you. Because of the custom and time consuming nature of the program, I do not offer refunds. If you have an issue, please feel free to discuss it with me.
Your happiness matters to me.
do you offer

pay in full

one easy payment

click below to chose your payment option and get instant access!

ok, I'm in!


payment plan

three  payments of

(sAVE $450)
